Sunday, July 10, 2011

divine intervention

1. "Saint Jerome and the Angel" Simon Vouet, 1622
2. "Abraham's Sacrifice", Rembrant, 1655
3. "Sacrifice of Isaac" Caravaggio, 1603

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

madonna and child

1. artist?
2. keri jo and hannah rinke, photo by stephanie mckee, 2011
3. gothic plate in archipelago antiques shop, athens ga, 2011


1. mattisse paper collage
2. "lazarus, wake up!" by stephanie mckee, 2010
3. picasso's "guernica"

Monday, June 6, 2011

circle in square

1. textile from the high museum's "design by nature" exhibit, 2011
2. poster from jessica hilltout, south africa, 2010
2. shower curtain, from wal mart, the rinke house, 2011


1. image from the web (creator?)
2. shirt at "the potter's house thrift store", athens, ga, 2011
3. image from the web (creator?)


1. mushroom image, from web (creator?)
2. illustration, shannon may
3. photo, anja mulder

bong lee

1-3: paintings by bong lee, senior thesis show, mica galleries, baltimore, 2011

Sunday, June 5, 2011


1. "painting no 2", by franz kline, 1959, MOMA
2. furniture from the high museum's "modern by design" exhibit, on loan from MOMA, 2011
3. mondrian's "composition in black and white, with double lines"

tin toys

1-3: tin toys in archipelago antiques, athens, ga, 2011

Wednesday, May 4, 2011


1. photo, artist?
2. photo of st. petersburg beach by stephanie mckee, 2009
3. digital collage by stephanie mckee, 2007


1, 2, 3. collages by stephanie mckee, 2010, 2011, 2011


1. stars, wikipedia
2. becky slogeris painting stars at the maryland institute college of art, baltimore, md, 2009
3. christian mckee, stars painted by members of central christian church, st. pete, fl, 2010


1. art nouveau patterns
2. sailor jerry tattoo on jon rinke, athens, ga, 2009
3. blind contour portrait, rocksprings community center, 2011, by student


1. japanese enso, wikipedia
2. light enso, wiki watchee, fl, 2010, by stephanie mckee
3. painted enso, athens, ga, 2011, by stephanie mckee


1. jon rinke, athens, ga, 2011
2. jenelle mckee, st. pete, fl, 2009
3. noelle stevenson and nicole dyer, baltimore, md, 2010
all photos by stephanie mckee


1. vermeer's "woman weighing gold"
2. stephanie mckee's "man's knowledge", 2007
3. doug, athens, ga, 2008, by stephanie mckee